5 Podcast Episodes Surf Ladies Can't Stop Listening to Right Now

Through conversations, we can learn from others, reflect on ourselves, and better navigate life as women on the water.
On our podcast, Confessions of a Surf Lady, it's our goal to extend the conversation beyond the products we carry into a platform that can better represent you, the everyday female surfer. For each episode, we ask you, surf ladies all over the world, for confessions to topics specific to women's surfing and discuss those topics in a supportive and non-judgmental space.
Of the 17 episodes we've published we've had conversations with women who have started grassroots movements to olympic athletes and big wave surfers. We've covered serious topics like lineup politics to silly, but still very important, topics like "Do you pee in your wetsuit?"
Of all the amazing conversations we've had, here are the top 5 episodes surf ladies can't stop listening to right now. (These episodes have had the most downloads in the last 30 days)

5 Podcast Episodes Surf Ladies Can't Stop Listening to Right Now

(binge them this weekend!)

#5 | Episode 03: 5 Safety Tips that Could Save Your Life in the Surf

From leashes breaking, getting caught between rogue sets, and wardrobe malfunctions, this episode will leave you gasping for air! Listen in to hear surf ladies share stories about a time they almost drowned then learn 5 safety tips that could save your life in the surf. This must-listen episode if you love a great surf story!

#4 | Episode 11: Leaning into Vulnerability and Surfing Nude with Flick Palmateer

Meet professional big wave surfer and artist Felicity (aka Flick) Palmateer. Flick is known for having ridden the biggest wave ever surfed by an Australian female and is one of the first women to compete in the WSL's first big wave women's invitational. Flick is one to push herself, not only into big waves but also in her passion for art. Listen in to hear how she's blended her two lifelong passions of surfing and art by surfing nude in her controversial film Skin Deep.

#3 | Episode 13: Lineup Etiquette and Pursuing Your Surf Goals with Carla Zamora

In this episode, we hang out with Carla Zamora of The Surf Institute. Carla's surf roots run deep at one of the most historic and iconic breaks in the world: Malibu First Point. Listen in to get much-needed advice on dealing with crowded lineups and wave hogs. You don't want to miss this empowering episode filled with invaluable surf tips and advice on adjusting your mindset to achieve your surf goals.

#2 | Episode 04: Feeling Intimidated While Learning How to Surf with Bianca Mitchell

Right off the bat, this episode hung tightly as the most listened-to on Confessions of a Surf lady. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a complete newbie you will love this episode. Meet Bianca Mitchell, founder of Ocean Goddess Surf, hear confessions to "What intimidates you most about learning how to surf" and hear Bianca's hilarious advice for dealing with feeling intimidated in the lineup. This episode guarantees laughs and a takeaway that will boost your confidence. After listening you'll feel like an ocean goddess, ready to tackle your next surf session.

#1 | Episode 02: How the Surf Industry Represents Women with Vanessa Yeager 

In this episode, we asked for confessions to "How do you feel about the way women are represented in the surf industry?" It's no surprise that this episode takes the metaphorical wave. Meet Vanessa Yeager, founder of the world's largest women's surf community and hear about the evolution of the female image in surfing. Tune in for an episode of sisterhood, women's empowerment, and a celebration of the diversity of the women's surf community.

Looks like you have a new show to binge on this weekend! Listen to the top 5 episodes surf ladies can't stop listening to right now on Confessions of a Surf Lady, a podcast by iaera surf. Listen on Apple, Spotify, Google and all other major podcast platforms. Or listen at Confessionsofasurflady.com
Confessions of a Surf Lady is a podcast by iaera surf. It's our goal to extend the conversation beyond the products we carry into a platform that can better include you: the everyday female surfer. Wan't to join us for the conversation, unlock exclusive blog posts and iaera surf discounts? Join us here.

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